can be en eye donor?

part of eye used for transplant?
the thin layer which is transparent in front of the iris ie, cornea
used to replace the diseased or opaque cornea in the eye of the
patient (recipient).
cataract or use of glasses causes the cornea unfit for
both these conditions relate to the lens of the eye and not about the
cornea. People who are successfully operated for
cataracts or glaucoma or even retinal detachments can also donate
their eyes after death. In fact there have been instances of those
who have received a corneal transplant themselves donating their
corneas after death! All that is required is that the donor has a
clear, transparent, healthy cornea at the time of death.
Do human body rejects the transplanted cornea?
human cornea does not have any blood supply; hence the risk of
rejection is very less. If rejected, it can be treated
by timely medication.
Conditions of the cornea unfitness for donation?
of people suffering from AIDS, rabies, syphillis, tetanus,
septicaemia and certain viral diseases cannot be transplanted. People
with diabetes, hypertension or cancer can donate their eyes. However,
if the donor had blood-borne cancer then the cornea of such a patient
cannot be used.
How suddenly should the eye be removed after death for transplantation?
soon as possible eyes can be removed up to 6 hrs after death.
However, in places where the climate is hot is preferably 2 to 4 hrs after death is
it necessary to take donor to hospital after death?
eye banks have persons who will come to the donor's home or place
of death and remove the eyes.
the value of eye donation & go around spreading the message of the
nobility of eye donation.