Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Be careful about Diabetic Retinopathy

    The growing statistics of people affected with diabetes is quite alarming these days. About one in every 5 of our elder population is has diabetes in some degree of intensity. The fact that diabetes has an increasing influence of eyesight and other eye related issues increases the gravity of the situation. 
    Studies show that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of contracting eye and vision problems that could eventually lead to blindness. With world class treatment and facilities, when it comes to the realms of eye care, Amrit Hospital offers one of the best diabetes and retina services in the world.
    Now, let us have a look into the various effects of diabetes on our retina and the conditions caused thereof. 
    Retina is the innermost layer in our eye that is responsible for receiving the light signals and transmitting it to the brain through optic nerves. Patients with diabetes are at an increased risk of the condition called diabetic retinopathy. They occur in two stages namely proliferative and non proliferative.

    Diabetic retinopathy does not usually manifest any symptoms in the early stages. However, with progress in time fluctuating, blurry and double visions might be encountered. Eye pain, cataracts and decrease in range of vision are some other symptoms of the condition
    Managing diabetic retinopathy
    • Diabetic retinopathy can be managed with the help of lasers as in photocoagulation and Anti-VEGF injection in some rare cases.
    •  Photocoagulation aims at protecting the central vision by direction laser beams to seal the leaking blood vessels in the retina. This laser treatment can be completed in about 3 sittings and helps in preventing further deterioration of vision. It does not help in restoring the lost vision, hence increasing the importance of an early detection of diabetic retinopathy.
    • Anti-VEGF agents are an evolving treatment methodology and involve intravitreal injection. They are mainly used in treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The earlier the diagnosis and initiation of treatment, better is the result. Hence it is advisable to get your eyes checked up in every 6 months, once diagnosed with diabetes.
    Amrit Hospital is one of the best eye care centres in Chennai, offering the latest technologies in the field.

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    Thursday, 20 July 2017

    Lasik surgey: Experience Better Vision

    Bladeless LASIK is a refractive treatment surgery which treats surgical procedures of common vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism. Bladeless LASIK is also known as all laser LASIK or IntraLase. This LASIK surgery is different to other LASIK surgeries as this surgery is created flap by using a laser opposite to a manual blade. Bladeless LASIK is boon for the people with thin corneas as these people are not suitable for the general LASIK treatment due to its precision. Bladeless LASIK has a quality to consistently producing corneal flaps thin enough to treat people with thin corneas and an outpatient procedure.

    Lasik means laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis eye surgery that achieve 20/25 vision or better that is good for most eye activities. This technique is reducing the individual dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses. The eye surgeon is capable to develop a tiny flap in the patient’s cornea, with the support of femtosecond computer technology. The laser operates at extremely high speed and permit tissue to be targeted and divided at the molecular level without heating or impacting surrounding tissues, with the control of the computer. The bladeless laser treatment creates corneal flap in much more precise manner in comparison to the traditional microkeratome blade. Further, a standard laser is used to make the appropriate adjustments. The surgery commonly takes less than five minutes and a painless process.

    Bladeless LASIK surgery supports surgeon to provide a more accurate and flap on the eye that will fall back into place naturally. The difference in flap structure created by the bladeless laser may reduce the chance of cells growing underneath and pushing up the flap (epithelial in-growth) to create an irregular corneal surface with accompanying vision defects. Sometimes, bladeless laser show light sensitivity as a side effect, but it can resolve soon. LASIK surgery also gives rare complications such as dry eyes or temporary visual disturbances. The bladeless laser surgery is as specific treatment facility and totally depends on the recommendation of the eye surgeon.

    Amrit Hospital, Chennai has a good track record in bladeless Lasik surgery at chennai . The hospital has a good team of doctors. The hospital has a patient centric approach and friendly environment and offers best bladeless Lasik Surgery in Tamil Nadu

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    Tuesday, 6 June 2017

    Regain Your Vision With Cataract Surgery

    Cataract is the clouding of ones eye's natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over the age of 40 and are the most common cause of blindness in the world.

    Symptoms and signs of cataract:
    In the beginning cataract has little effect on the vision. Later on the vision is blurred, similar to looking through a cloudy piece of glass. A cataract may make light from the sun or a lamp too bright or glaring. It may also come to notice that the oncoming headlights during the night causes more glare than before. Colors may not appear as bright as they once did.

    Causes of cataract
    The lens inside the eye works much like a camera lens, focusing light onto the retina for clear vision. These lens help us to see things clearly and also adjust the eye's focus.

    The lens is mainly made of protein and water . The protein is arranged in a precise way that keeps the lens clear and let’s light passes through it. But as we age, some of the protein may combine together and start to cloud a small area of the lens. A cataract may grow larger and cloud more on the lens over time, making it harder to see.

    How is cataract treated?

    Cataract surgery is very successful in restoring vision. During surgery, the surgeon will remove the clouded lens and in most cases replace it with a clear, plastic IOL (Intraocular lenses). In addition to this, Bladeless cataract surgery is also used to treat cataract. It is a Laser assisted cataract surgery, which is based on computer guided technology that delivers a higher level of accuracy to the cataract surgery.

    Amrit Hospital, Chennai, been established with the intention to provide quality eye care at an affordable price. Their main focus is the treatment and care of patients from all levels.
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    Friday, 19 May 2017

    Is Squint Eye Spoiling Your looks? Get The Right Treatment Here

    Squint eye is a condition in wherein there is a misalign­ment of the eyes. In other words, the two eyes are pointed in different directions. One eye may be looking straight ahead while the other is turned inward, outward etc. Muscles of the eyes control the movements of the eyes. If one muscle is tougher than the other, the eye will be turned in that direction. This is how a squint eye condition is formed. One has to weaken the stronger muscle and strengthen the weaker muscle to treat this.

    What Are The Causes?

    There are different reasons for squint eyes and it does to run in families. It may be caused by severe farsightedness that has been untreated in some cases. Substantial head trauma may also be the reason for squint eyes, as it can affect that portion of the brain which controls the muscles of the eye.

    The clearest sign of squint eyes is when the eyes appear to be looking in different directions. There are, however, more signs of squint eyes that can often be observed in children which include:
    • Squinting with only one eye
    • Unsymmetrical points of reflection in each eye
    • Inability to gauge depth
    • Eyes that do not move together
    • Tilting the head to one side
    How Is It Treated?

    Amrit Hospital has an expert team doctors that are specialized to handle such conditions. While they start by a prescription of eye injectables, external medications, eye yoga exercises and spectacles, extreme cases with severe squint need immediate surgery and the alignment issues are corrected to look normal. Crossed-eye surgeries are very common and we can see best results when we treat such conditions at a tender age.

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    Saturday, 1 April 2017


    Bladeless cataract surgery is a revolution invention in the field of cataract surgery. It is a Laser assisted cataract surgery, which is based on computer guided technology that delivers a higher level of accuracy to the cataract surgery.

    Basically, a cataract is a clouding of natural lens. The protein accumulation in the lens makes this cloudy condition and avoids passing of light clearly which results into vision loss. Humans have a natural clean and clear lens from their birth to see the world but with the age and other factors such as injury or long working pressure on eyes gradually these lens becomes cloudy. To make the vision clear and better it is recommended to remove cataract and replaced with an artificial lens through surgery.

    Ageing is the main cause of the cataract. With the age, the protein present in the lens breaks and makes lens rigid and cloudy. The other causes include:
    • Long time exposure of naked eyes to x-rays or sun rays
    • Smoking
    • High level of Diabetes
    • Thyroid disease such as hyperthyroidism
    • Any kind of eye injury
    • Inflammation in Iris
    • Genetic disorders such as myotonic dystrophy, down syndrome etc.
    • Feel haloes nearby the bright light or objects
    • Loss in night vision
    • Temporary perfection in closer vision
    • Requirement of bright light
    LenSx® laser is the most advances life changing process that provides a customized cataract surgery experience and gives most safest and effective results. Laser technology permits doctors to regulate the exact length and depth of the incision which reduces the risk of certain problems, infections, and also reducing the recovering time.

    Amrit Hospital
    , Chennai has a good hold on bladeless cataract surgery and has a high rate of successful surgeries. The doctors of Amrit Hospital will work with the patients to understand their needs and accordingly determine best suitable technique.

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    Thursday, 9 February 2017

    Better Life Through Better Vision

    Glaucoma is a condition which causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve and gets worse with time. It's often linked to a build up of pressure inside the eye.

    Causes Of Glaucoma
    It is the result of high fluid pressure inside the eye. This happens when the liquid in the front part of the eye doesn't circulate the way it should.
    Normally, a fluid called aqueous humor, flows out of the eye through a mesh-like channel. If this channel gets blocked, the liquid builds up. That’s what causes glaucoma.
    Less common causes include a blunt or chemical injury in the eye, severe eye infection, blocked and constricted blood vessels inside the eye and various inflammatory conditions. It mostly affects both the eyes, but it may be worse in one than the other.

    Who is affected by Glaucoma?
    It usually affects adults over the age of 40, but teenagers, children and even infants can be affected by it. The probable of getting glaucoma are:
    • 40 years of age and above
    • Family history of glaucoma
    • Having poor and blurred vision
    • Suffering from diabetes
    • Intake of certain steroid medicines
    • Trauma to the eyes

    Symptoms of Glaucoma
    The following are the symptoms of glaucoma:
    • Seeing halos around lights
    • Vision loss
    • Redness in the eye
    • Eye that looks hazy
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Severe eye pain
    • Narrowed vision

    How is Glaucoma treated?
    There are three ways to treat glaucoma. They are:
    Eye drops- These either reduce the formation of fluid in the eye or increase its outflow. Side effects may include allergies, redness, stinging, blurred vision, and irritated eyes. Some glaucoma drugs may affect your heart and lungs.
    Laser surgery- This procedure can slightly increase the flow of the fluid from the eye for people with open-angle glaucoma. It can stop fluid blockage if you have angle-closure glaucoma.
    Microsurgery- In a procedure called a trabeculectomy, the doctor creates a new channel to drain the fluid and ease eye pressure.

    Amrit Hospital, Chennai is the leading eye care center in India. They provide the best treatment using the latest equipment’s at affordable rates.

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    Tuesday, 3 January 2017

    LASIK Surgery : Say Goodbye to Lenses

    LASIK Surgery is a refractive surgery. While performing the procedure, an eye surgeon creates a flap in the cornea and uses a laser to reshape the cornea and correct refractive error problems in the eye. LASIK is more appropriate for the people who have a moderate degree of refractive error causing;
    • Nearsightedness in which nearby objects are visible but distant objects are blurry
    • Farsightedness in which nearby objects are blurry but distant objects are clear
    • Astigmatism causes overall blurred vision
    The surgical success depends on the careful evaluation of eyes before the surgery and LASIK gives freedom from glasses and lenses.

    LASIK is Laser Assisted Insitu Keratomileusis which is a Painless Treatment with faster recovery. The usage of EX500 Excimer laser gives the best results. Anybody who is above 18 years with healthy eyes and stable vision at least for one year is eligible to get performed with LASIK treatment. High powers such as -15, autoimmune disease and pregnancy patients are not fit for LASIK.
    It is a day care treatment performed under local anesthesia. The patients will be advised to undergo a preliminary eye examination and measurements are taken to create a unique treatment profile for each individual. Anesthetist numbs the eyes by drops and a flap is created on the cornea which gently lifted back to expose the treatment area. Using the light energy the cornea is reshaped precisely. Soon after the surgery, the flap is repositioned to form a natural bandage and the healing begins. This procedure does not involve any pain, sutures or bandages and the following day the patient can resume normal activities.
    • Usage of Wave Light EX500 Excimer Laser brings out faster, accurate, wide range of treatments with better results
    • Affords multiple treatment options
    • High level of comfort is obtained
    • Very safety method
    • Wave Light EX500 Excimer is one of the most advanced lasers 
    • Results with consistency
    Amrit hospital was incepted on 1994 by Dr. Sohanraj, a popular ophthalmologist with a crew of medicos offers Lasik surgery in Chennai at an affordable cost.
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