Monday, 2 December 2019

A step to prevent blindness

A group of eye conditions that causes damage to the optic nerves can be termed as glaucoma. Usually, the damage is caused due to high pressure in the eye. Glaucoma can cause permanent and irreversible loss of vision. Hence, it is also known as the ‘Silent Thief of Vision.’ 


Types of glaucoma
Glaucoma can be classified into three types that are:

1.Congenital or developmental glaucoma - a group of varied disordersHigh intraocular pressure is caused due to developmental abnormalities of the angle of the anterior chamber that obstructs the drainage of aqueous humor. 

2.Open-angle glaucoma - one of the common forms of glaucoma. There will be a slow increase of pressure in the eye that leads to loss of vision. The drainage angle that is formed by the cornea and iris will be open, whereas the trabecular meshwork will be slightly blocked. This causes pressure in the eye, which will slowly increase, leading to loss of vision.

3.Closed-angle glaucoma - also known as angle-closure glaucoma where the blockage is caused due to narrow angles between the cornea and the iris. The fluid cannot circulate through the eye, and pressure will increase. People with narrow drainage angles are more prone to angle-closure glaucoma.

Doctors recommend treating glaucoma at the early stages to preventd vision loss. The main concern is lower the eye pressure, and based on the situation, doctors would suggest eye drops, oral medications, laser treatment, and surgery. 

1.Eye drops - this is the first and foremost way of treating glaucoma. Based on the severity of the condition, the dosage differs among individuals. When identified in the early stages, eye drops can help reduce the pressure in the eye. 

2.Oral medications - oral medicines are prescribed by the doctors when eye drops alone cannot bring down the pressure in the eye.

3.Laser treatment - with the help of a small laser beam, the doctor will open the clogged channels in the trabecular meshwork.

4.Surgery - to control non-responsive glaucoma, doctors would suggest surgery. Along with Phaco IOL (intraocular lens implant), doctors would treat glaucoma by creating a new drainage channel in which the aqueous fluid can leave the eye and lowers the IOP (intraocular pressure). 

At Amrit Hospitals, doctors can help identify and diagnose glaucoma at the early stages to prevent vision loss with the help of the latest technologies.

Blog reviewed by: Dr. Lalit Kumar
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Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Revital Vision Therapy for Amblyopia or Lazy Eye

Amblyopia or lazy eye  is a condition occurring when the brain and the eye refuse to work together. It mainly affects a single eye because one eye has a stronger focus than the other. So the brain cannot recognize the blurry vision and relies on the vision of the stronger eye that gradually worsens the vision of the weaker eye. Amblyopia is also called a lazy eye, and it mostly occurs in infancy, but sometimes it can occur in adults too.


  • An eye that wanders in and out (Strabismus).
  • Eyes that do not work together.
  • Double images.
  • Head tilting.
  • Poor depth perception.
  • Blurred vision.
Factors associated with an increased risk of lazy eye include:
  • Premature birth
  • Small size at birth
  • Genetics of the baby
  • Developmental disabilities

Types of Amblyopia:

There are three types of amblyopia 

1.Strabismic Amblyopia
Here to avoid doubled visions, the brain rejects or does not respond to the visual images of the weak eye that lead to strabismic amblyopia. 

2. Refractive Amblyopia
In some cases, amblyopia occurs due to unequal refractive errors in both the eyes despite its alignment. Here the brain relies on the eye that has the correct refractive index and rejects the blurred vision.       

3. Deprivation amblyopia
This is a lazy eye caused due to condition that rejects light from entering and being focused in a baby's eye, such as a congenital cataract. Prompt treatment of congenital cataracts is necessary to allow normal visual development to occur. 

Revital Vision Therapy
It is a program to improve amblyopia to upskill your brain to see better without auxiliary surgery, enhancements, drugs, or side- effects. It is feasible to enhance brain processing by efficacious visual stimulation of the neurons, which is at the helm for vision in the primary visual cortex, long after the critical period. 

RevitalVision's neural training program is clinically and scientifically proven, unlike eye exercise programs that focus on relaxing eye muscles. 

During training sessions, a series of visual tasks and repetitive images train the brain and improve visual processing. Revital vision analyzes performance and continuously adjust the individually customized training sessions to improve the vision substantially.

At Amrit Hospital Chennai, our expert doctors and technicians strive to provide quality treatment for all your eye problems.
Blog reviewed by: Dr. Lalit Kumar
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Tuesday, 24 September 2019

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

AMD is one of the leading causes of vision loss. AMD destroys macula, which is apart of the retina, which provides sharp and focused vision. The condition develops as you age. 
macular degeneration treatment chennai

There are two main types of AMD:


1. Dry Form

Here we can see the presence of drusen (yellow deposits) in the macula. As the amount of drusen increases, it leads to distortion in vision. It can also cause thinning of the light-sensitive layers of cells of the macula, which may lead to the death of tissues, and gradual vision loss. 

2.Wet Form

This is more serious than the dry form. Here abnormal blood vessels are grown from the choroid membrane behind the macula. Your vision may get distorted because of the blood vessels leak, and the fluid enters into the retina. It can also lead to blind spots and loss of the central vision.

Symptoms of AMD


macular degeneration treatment in chennai

  • Blurry vision.
  • Straight lines look curved
  • Difficulty in reading.
  • Can not see details in low light.
  • Highly sensitive to glare.
  • Central vision will not be clear.

Risk factors

  • Age – It is the number one risk factor that leads to AMD.
  • Family history - children with parents suffering from AMD have an increased chance of acquiring AMD.
  • Smoking- anything which reduces oxygen supply to the retina can cause AMD.
  • Gender - Females are more likely to get AMD.
  • Too much exposure to the sun can lead to AMD.
  • Obesity.
  • Diet plays a vital role in developing AMD.
  • High blood pressure also restricts oxygen flow to the retina, thus leads to AMD.

Tips for Protecting Eye Health and Preventing Macular Degeneration

  • Eat a nutritious and healthy diet which includes green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruit, fish, and grains.
  • Try to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Quit the habit of smoking.
  • Your blood pressure must always be in control.
  • Wear sunglasses when exposed to the sun.
  • Consult an eye specialist for a regular eye examination.

Treatments for AMD


The treatment for early dry AMD is  good nutrition .You must have a healthy diet plan by including food which is rich in antioxidants that can keep the cells of macula healthy. Wet AMD can be treated with anti VEGF injection for regression of abnormal blood vessels . Sealing of the blood vessels associated with wet AMD can be done with a laser. Implantable Telescope Technology is another method of treating AMD Where they implant a tiny telescope which can help to improve your vision. Intake of certain vitamin tablets can also increase the quality of vision.
At Amrit Hospital Chennai, our expert doctors and technicians strive to provide quality treatment for all your eye problems.
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Blog reviewed by: Dr. Lalit Kumar
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Thursday, 19 September 2019

All You Need To Know About Cataract

Eyes are the most important organ of sense. But in spite of it being an organ that gives us the unmatched and unimaginable power of vision, we tend to neglect them.  Many issues strike the organ and some of them stand to be very severe. One such severe issue faced by people is a Cataract makes the vision blurry. It’s common among older people but people of other age groups get affected by this disease too.

 What can cause Cataracts?

Cataracts develop when there is a protein buildup in the lens of the eyes, preventing light to pass through the lens thus making the vision uncomfortably cloudy and blurry.  Some people are even posed with the threat of losing their eyesight due to cataract. This depends on the overall health condition of the patient and the type of Cataract he is affected. Different types of Cataracts are caused due to several reasons as follow:

  •     Age-related: A few cataracts are formed due to old age
  •     Congenital. Babies can be born with cataracts and even can be affected by the condition in their childhoods. This is known as congenital cataract.
  •     Secondary. If one is affected by medical conditions such as diabetes, he or she is more likely to get affected by secondary cataract. This can also be caused by being around ultraviolet light and toxic substances.
  •      Traumatic. As the name suggests, traumatic cataracts are formed as a result of some accident.
Along with these, there are various other reasons for getting a cataract that include smoking and drinking.


Cataracts take time to start affecting you and until it starts blocking light, it may not even come to your notice. But once it starts blocking the light you may notice a few symptoms as follow:
  •     Foggy, cloudy and blurry vision
  •     Colours may not seem the same.
  •     Night blindness
  •     One may have double vision
  •     Specs and contact lenses may not work effectively

How are Cataracts diagnosed?

Once cataract is suspected, the eye doctor prescribes tests to check the condition of the eye and the vision. He dilates the pupil to parts of the eye, especially the lens.


 Treatment of Cataract

Cataract can be cured by the use of corrected spectacles and contact lenses in a few cases. In other cases where these don’t work and cataracts have become major issues in one’s daily life, cataract surgeries can help.


Cataract Surgeries are done on an outpatient basis and it’s a quick and successful process. The surgery involves removing the original lens from the eye and replacing it with a man-made one.

Prevention is better than Cure

Cataract prevention is quite difficult as the reasons for cataract are very uncertain. Getting your eyes checked regularly, washing them with clean water and maintaining proper hygiene can reduce the risk of getting affected.

Blog reviewed by: Dr. Lalit Kumar
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